The Commanding Officer of the Markham Cadet Flying Site asks that we make our members aware of the following information, to reduce potential conflicts in the vicinity of Buttonville, Markham, and the Claremont practice area:
Operating near Claremont, Markham or Buttonville?
The Air Cadet League of Canada operates 8 Gliding Centres from various small airports across Ontario each Spring and Fall. The Markham Cadet Flying Site (Markham CFS) operates from Markham Airport (6.5NM NE of Buttonville) and would like to make you aware of our presence. A recent review has identified traffic conflicts occurring at an increasing rate. The most alarming were aircraft that blundered through the circuit area, unannounced, at circuit altitude operating to/from Buttonville or the Claremont Training Area.
Quick Facts
- Markham CFS operates from April through mid-June and late August through mid-November
- Operations occur only on:
- Weekends and holidays during Day VFR between 0800 and sunset, and
- Occasional Friday afternoons during Day VFR until sunset
- All active operations are advertised by NOTAM and are included in the Buttonville ATIS
- The tow aircraft and up to 2 gliders will only be found in the red box bounded by:
- Markham airport runway 09/27 centre line and the town of Stouffville
- McCowan Road and 10th Line
- All operations are conducted from the surface to 3,500’ ASL
- Glider and tow aircraft continuously monitor and transmit on VHF 122.8
- The tow aircraft uses TCAS technology and will detect aircraft operating a transponder
- Markham Unicom or “Glider Ground” will provide GTGC operational status on VHF 122.8
- During active operations, the tow aircraft and gliders remain in the north circuit–all other powered traffic remains in the southern circuit. Circuit joining via overhead is not authorized.
- Markham is a PPR (Prior Permission Required) airport. Permission must be obtained from the airport operator by phone as per the CFS.