Good evening fellow BFC members, Copa 70 members, and fans of the Sizzle!
The 139th annual BFC Beefapalooza returns Saturday, August 12th in hangar #35, located in the north tees at CYOO. All BBQ worshippers and aviation enthusiasts are invited. Bring family and friends. This is a great opportunity to gather with co-members of the BFC and COPA 70, friends, and peers to engage in some hangar flying. Arrive anytime after 1:30pm. There is no need to bring anything except for some folding chairs for your tush and a non perishable food item that will be donated to a local food bank. If you are still insistent on bringing some food fare, then I would recommend your favorite salad or dessert.
If you fly in and are not based at CYOO, please park on the main ramp and walk east to hangar #35. If you are driving to the BBQ, there are important rules at CYOO involving the use of automobiles. Any vehicle driving on airport property must display an AVOP (Airport Vehicle Operator's Permit). If you have been issued an AVOP then you know your responsibilities while driving on the airport property. Please do not park in front or near hangar #35 as we are beside Tango 2 (a main entry / exit point for the active taxiways). For those without an AVOP, you will be required to park in the parking lot in front of the Main Terminal Building and walk east to the hangars. Please remember that as a pedestrian or driver, aircraft have the right of way. The smoking big door will be wide open so just follow your nose. You can't miss it. Call my cell (416.948.5626) if you have any problems, further directions or need help through the gates, including those that are disabled. Flames erupt at 2pm. If the forecast calls for heavy rain, I will reschedule to the rain date on August 13th. I will send out further instructions later in the week for pedestrian access and I’m working on the possibility of landing fees being waived for all those that fly in. Details later in the week. ‘Hope to see you there. Cheers.
John Van Lieshout