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Buttonville Flying Club

COPA Flight 44


  • 29 Dec 2020 10:24 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Contributed by BFC Member Michael Martin

    Hey Buttonville Flying Club (BFC) let’s all have some fun.  During the cold, dark days of winter, when flying opportunities are limited. And COVID still has its grip on our daily life, it is time to get creative, get some exercise and fresh air, and do something interesting.

    So, here is an exclusive invitation to the members of the Buttonville Flying Club.  Let’s get out our cameras and have a photo contest.  It is important to include everyone so we will run three categories so everyone can have a chance to win the prizes.

    What are the prizes?  As Forest Gump said, “Do you want a chocolate?  I could eat about a million and a half of these.  My mama always said life was like a box of chocolates.  You never know what you're going to get.”

    So, our prize will be a deluxe 24-piece box of chocolates.  But, not just any chocolates.  We are offering a box of premium chocolates from “Peace by Chocolate”.   Here is Prime Minister Trudeau talking about this famed Chocolatier.

    The time frame for this contest is from 12:01 am, January 1, 2021 until 11:59 pm, March 31, 2021.  All times are Eastern Time Zone for Toronto.  All photos must be taken within this window of time.  You will need to submit a large sized JPEG image of at least 1 MB, but not larger than 3 MB, with at least 1000 dpi on either the horizontal or vertical edge.  By making a submission you are asserting that the submission was taken within the time frame stated.  All images, regardless if taken digitally or on film, need to be submitted in a JPEG digital file format via email to the address provided below.  We will have three categories.

    • Aviation – on the ground or from the air

    • Nature - Waterfalls and Streams

    • Nature – Animals, domestic or in the wild

    All photographs submitted must be taken outdoors.  So, go for a walk and get some fresh air and exercise.  Be sure to practice safety first by wearing a mask, maintaining at least 6 feet / 2 metres away from others, and washing your hands.

    Please include a brief description with a maximum of 250 words with your photo to be shared with the members online.  Also, include a title for your photograph submission, humours titles add points.

    Photos will be judged on the context to the category, framing, exposure, colourimetry (or B&W), detail, storytelling, lighting, and aesthetics. 

    All images will be judged by famed aviation photographers “Gus and Clara”.  The judge’s decisions will be final.  Winners will be announced on April 16, 2021.

    Please read all of the terms and conditions of this contest fully and by submitting your photos you will be deemed to have agreed to all of them and will waive all rights other than as described below.

    Rules and Guidelines for this contest

    • Which cameras can you use?  Whatever camera you have!  You can shoot with a smartphone, a DSLR, or a film camera, the choice is yours to decide.  All cameras and technologies – digital or film are acceptable to use.

    • One entry per category per BFC member.  

    • Photos will be posted online in various social media venues and on the BFC web site.

    • Please use the prescribed naming convention to identify your photo, as follows:

      • Rename the submission by using your BFC membership number and the category name that you are submitting to:  [insert your BFC membership number here]-[category].jpg or 123456-aviation.jpg

      • By using your BFC membership number, we can identify you and keep the submissions anonymous for the judging review.

    • All photographers will retain the ownership of their submitted images and by entering this contest agree to allow the Buttonville Flying Club to use these images online or in any manner at its sole discretion.  

    • Only the winners will be notified via return email.  So, please include your detailed contact information with your submission.  

    • All submissions must be from members in current standing with club members by the close of the contest.  

    • All submissions must be original work taken by the BFC members within the defined time frame.  

    • Entries will only be accepted via email to in before 11:59 pm on March 31, 2021.  

    • We reserve the right to disqualify any entry that is deemed inappropriate or does not conform to stated contest rules.  

    • No nudity or profane content will be accepted.  

    • We reserve the right to disqualify any submission at our sole discretion for any reason whatsoever.  Our decisions are final.  

    • No submissions will be accepted after the close of the contest deadline of March 31, 2021 at 11:59 pm ET.  

    • The photo must be in its original state and cannot be altered in any way, including but not limited to removing, adding, reversing, or distorting subjects within the frame.  Resizing the image to meet the file size limitation is acceptable as long as the EXIF data is retained and included with the submitted photo.

    • The photographer is responsible to have secured prior permission to include any persons or personal information visible within their submitted photograph and will agree to save the organizers of this context and the Buttonville Flying Club harmless and will sign an indemnification agreement before being named a winner.

    • We reserve the right to amend the rules and guidelines of this contest at any time.

  • 11 Dec 2020 23:03 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    This article is contributed by BFC Flyout Director Charles Barnes.

    The BFC will be hosting a Flight Simulator zoom session in January.  In case there are members who have simulator-related items on their gift lists, our panel has put together ideas for checking if your PC has the necessary capacity as well as some simulator peripherals to help get the right gifts under your tree!

    The Zoom session will focus on software (XPlane 11 and FSX 2020), electronic flight bags and virtual ATC networks for those looking for more 'realistic' sim flights.

    Happy shopping and see you in January.

    PC System Capacity

    Will my current system run X-Plane 11?

    It helps to know what the vendor expects you to have and what they officially support because they've usually tested to exactly that hardware.

    With XPlane you can test using their free download version.  The result between the free version and their full version will be identical (not similar - identical).

    Will my current system run Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020?

    I need a new computer. Upgrade Vs New?

    The important factors may vary from person to person.  Lots of CPU and memory and a faster drive will significantly improve load time on X-Plane 11.  It takes a very long time to load depending on hardware.  Once loaded, frame rate is the most important thing.  Older or lesser hardware will not keep up.  What worked in XP10 might be a dog in XP11.  My current realistic frame rate on my older machine is down to about 10fps with XP11.  That's why I was going to load on updated hardware.  

    So yes, you can upgrade successfully (if not buying new) but this is a buyer beware situation. 

    What new computer would you recommend, for a casual player? 

    • Check this one out - Alienware Aurora R11 Gaming Desktop
    • On Sale for $1,799.99 down from $2,469.99  - If you’re not computer literate, make sure to take advantage of chatting/talking with one of their sales support people. 
    • Does NOT include the monitor, speakers/headset or the Yoke/Throttle/Rudder Pedals (see the Sporty’s link below for info on that).
    • This configuration has an SSD hard drive (at the time I sent the link) and that is very important for this game to load quickly.
    • Caution: The hard drive is FAST, but it’s not very big.  If you’re moving stuff from another computer, you should probably get a 2nd larger hard drive or opt for the larger hard drive model (it will be slower)
    • What Monitor should I get?  I think bigger the better.  You will see monitor options, if you follow the purchase link.
    • If you want to use multiple screens, the video card becomes more complicated.  This configuration will not work for multiple monitors.
    • I’ve bought a bunch of Alienware (Dell bought the company) PCs for home gaming and have not had any problems.  The support is pretty good too.


    What other equipment do you use?


    What about Virtual Reality?

    • X-Plane 11 supports VR now
    • Flight Simulator is supporting VR very soon, they have tested and approved the HP VR headset, more will come..
    • Here’s a link to the latest HP VR headset: HP Reverb G2

    What if I’m rich and want to stay legally current in the comfort of my own home?


    Other good information to check out:

    Sporty’s Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 Guide: Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 - What Pilots Need to Know  

    Hardware Buying Guide for Nerds: Microsoft Flight Simulator Performance and Benchmarks (Tom's Hardware)

    Sporty’s Webinar on picking the right gear for Flight Simulator:


  • 15 Oct 2020 08:04 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The Buttonville Flying Club was founded in 1969, to create a community of aviation enthusiasts, to create a friendly social atmosphere where members can enjoy each others company, and to organize group flying trips and other aviation related activities. 

    To (belatedly!) celebrate our 60th anniversary and recognize all the BFC has accomplished over six decades, the Executive has designed a commemorative lapel pin, which will be mailed to all those who were current members in 2019.

  • 04 Aug 2020 19:00 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The Toronto Buttonville Municipal Airport is happy to offer the members of the Buttonville Flying Club a new fuel rebate program for the purchase of AvGas 100LL. Please see the below for details pertaining to this program: 

    1. The rebate entitles you to a 10% rebate after 1,000L is purchased at Million Air Toronto. This rebate can be used for future fuel purchases at the Toronto Buttonville Municipal Airport. It is not a monetary rebate. 
    2. Fuel purchased is to be totaled according to the USER/PURCHASER not the aircraft registration. Please ensure you provide your name when requesting fuel and specify you are a member of the Buttonville Flying Club rebate program. 
    3. Applicants must provide a list of all aircraft they will be operating. Aircraft registrations that are not included on the individual’s application will not be eligible to be included on the individual’s total fuel purchases. 
    4. All applicants will be reviewed by the administration of the Buttonville Flying Club and Torontair Ltd. Only current members of the club will be eligible to receive this rebate.
    5. All individuals interested in receiving this rebate must individually sign up. Individuals not on the pre-approved list will not be eligible to receive this rebate. 
    6. Please note that all individuals flying into the field or based on the field are beholden to the rules and regulations of the Toronto Buttonville Municipal Airport. If you are unfamiliar with these regulations, please see the attached documentation for further details. 
    7. This rebate program will take effect as of August 1st 2020. The program will run on a 12-month standard calendar year and will reset as of August 1st 2021.

    To register for this program, please download and print the following pdf, and return the filled form to Dave Sprague (you can get his email address from posts to BFC News):


  • 22 Apr 2020 16:35 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    "Every pilot should fly a Spitfire at least once."

    Those are the words of BFC member Bob Steenson, who shared this photo in the club WhatsApp chat today. Bob says that flying the Spitfire has been a dream of his since the age of 12 when he first saw one fly about 100' AGL, inverted, the length of the runway at Barton Aerodrome in England. Inspired to fly, Bob got his PPL at CYOO under the instruction of George Nelson, and later earned his seaplane rating.

    In January 2019 Bob learned of an opportunity to fly Spitfires out of Biggin Hill, on the outskirts of London, and made inquiries. ‪On 11 June‬ 2019 he completed a one-hour light in Spitfire MJ772. In his words: "My younger brother flew in a 'chase plane' during the first 10 minutes and snapped the photo just before the pilot flying did a steep breakaway and we headed to the coast, to Beachy Head. After about 5 minutes flying up and down the white cliffs we headed out over the English Channel, completed a 180 degree turn back toward base, and just before crossing the White Cliffs completed a 360 degree roll in under 2 seconds. Absolutely one of the greatest experiences of my life...worth every penny. To those elder pilots out there I say NOW is the time to live your dreams."

  • 06 Apr 2020 11:35 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Editorial note: there have been a lot of questions and rumors posted about the novel Coronavirus and COVID-19 -- many sent to the club newsgroup or WhatsApp chat.  Club member Simon Lam has a PhD in Virology and works in the pharmaceutical industry, and has addressed a list of these questions. 

    This is not medical advice; just a Q&A.  For medical advice, follow the guidance of your doctor, and check official public health resources such as the following:

    Public Health Ontario

    Public Health Agency of Canada

    The World Health Organization

    The following responses were contributed by Dr. Simon Lam:

    Why should I believe you?

    I have a PhD in virology. I am not specifically a Coronavirus expert, but I know viruses in general. Unlike "A prominent doctor at xxxxxxx hospital", I actually exist. We've had coffee together at Druxy's and we've gone flying together. I just want all of us to be safe, sensible, and educated.

    If there is a question you don't see answered below, please ask.

    How is the virus transmitted?

    The virus is transmitted via droplets for the most part. (i.e. someone coughs, the virus hitches a ride in droplets, ends up being inhaled by someone else.) These droplets are microscopic. The droplets can also land on a surface, where someone soon after touches it, and that person then touches their eye/nose/mouth, but this is much less likely. To be clear, there is no evidence the virus is "airborne" as in floating in the air by itself. (There is some evidence of <5 micron aerosols carrying the virus, but it's not strong evidence.)

    Why is social distancing effective?

    Maintaining distance from other people drastically reduces the chances of being infected because most of the transmission is direct from one person to another, and the droplets from a cough/spittle can only travel a few feet. 


    What is "flattening the curve"?

    Flattening the curve is based on a pessimistic assumption that we cannot reduce the rate of infection to a point where the virus goes away slowly, which has since proven true. On this curve, X is time, Y is number of new cases. It assumes that the virus would continue to spread. If we know we cannot stop the spread, the goal then becomes slowing it down as much as possible so that the medical system doesn't get overwhelmed. The more resources are available, the better the care available, and the fewer deaths will result from this. Sadly, it doesn't mean fewer people will be infected, but it does mean you'll get better care when you get infected. (For the nerds: the area-under-the-curve remains the same.)


    What age group does Covid target?

    Simply put, all age groups. Like most diseases, the risk of severe outcomes goes up with age. The early data shows ~3% death rate from 60-69 and ~8% death rate from 70-79. Most of these cases had some "complications" such as high blood pressure or diabetes. That said, the death rate varies widely from country to country, and perfectly healthy young people have died from Covid as well. It's difficult to predict, and some evidence points towards an immune response called a "Cytokine Storm" that may be a factor in younger victims. (Further reading:")


    Should I wear a mask/gloves?


    Surgical masks are designed to protect the public from the wearer. They do give some limited protection to the wearer. Many Asian countries recommend/enforce wearing surgical masks in public because of people who are infected and can spread the virus but don't know it yet. So, wearing surgical masks is sometimes recommended for the general public, but we now have a world-wide shortage and it's questionable whether these products should be used by the public, taking them away from healthcare workers.

    N95 and other "respirators" need to be worn properly (tightly). When worn properly, they can be very uncomfortable. They also need to be fit-tested for individuals. There should be no gaps around the respirator at all. A recent study has shown that they are usually not worn properly and have about the same effect as surgical masks as a result. When worn properly, they do offer protection to the wearer. To be clear, these respirators are proper professional equipment, not designed for public use. As with surgical masks, the general public using them deprives the supply for healthcare workers.

    Cloth masks offer even less protection than surgical masks but do offer some minimal protection, especially in protecting the public from the wearer.

    Masks are single use. If absolutely necessary, store them in a clean, dry environment between use. Don't put them in zip-lock bags because that traps in moisture and encourages bacterial growth. Store in a paper envelope if absolutely necessary, but the best practice is to dispose of them.


    Don't touch your face. Wash your hands. Use hand sanitizer if you can't wash your hands. That said, gloves don't do any harm. Remember to take them off before getting home or getting in your car.


    Why is handwashing effective?

    As mentioned earlier, if you touch a surface that has the virus and then touch your eye/nose/mouth, you can catch the virus. Hand washing is effective because it physically removes the virus. Only if you cannot wash your hands should you use an alternative such as hand sanitizer. Remember to moisturize your hands after washing, otherwise your skin may crack and leave you open to other infections.


    Why is alcohol-based sanitizer effective, and what concentration do I need?

    Alcohol is great at killing just about anything. It "denatures" the proteins on the surface of the viruses. Don't worry too much about the concentration if you're using a store-bought hand sanitizer. (If you must know, not all of them are alcohol based, and the alcohol ones are usually >= 65%.) Let your hands air-dry. But remember, washing your hands is better than using a sanitizer. Please don't try to make your own hand sanitizer.


    What are some other substances that make good disinfectants, and what concentration do I need?

    Buy a household disinfectant from the supermarket. Anything available in stores for kitchen, bath, or household cleaning that claims to be a disinfectant is probably effective. If you need an alternative, 1% bleach in water. You can use 2% in higher traffic areas, but don't go higher. Don't mix bleach with anything except water. Generally speaking, disinfectants work best if you let it sit for a few minutes before wiping off. You might want a second pass with plain water to get rid of the residue.


    Will it help to adjust the heat/humidity in my house?

    You won't be able to get your house hot enough or dry enough to matter to the virus. Keep your home in a comfortable temperature and humidity. That will help keep your mucous membranes (the inner bits of your nose and mouth and sinus) moist, which will help protect you.


    How does the virus testing work?

    Very simplified version: A swab goes very-very far up your nose and into your sinus to pick up the virus if it’s there. That swab holds only a very very small number of virus even in a positive sample, so few that it cannot be detected. The sample then goes into a machine that looks for and replicates a very small piece of the virus's genes and makes enough copies to actually detect it. If it replicates it and detects it, it's a positive. If it can't find the gene, it can't replicate it, then it can't detect it and it's a negative. (Further reading: "Real-Time RT-PCR" There are also antibody tests but those aren't yet common. 


    Is there anything I can eat or drink, or any medicine that would help/cure Covid?

    Nothing has been proven to have any effect.


    When will a vaccine be available?

    I don't know. I would guess at least 12 months as an absolute minimum. More likely 18-24 months. For a vaccine to be safe enough for the public, there has to be a lot of testing, which takes months to years. In a typical non-emergency scenario, testing takes years, then setting up the manufacturing facilities to make it for millions of people takes a few more years.


    When will this be over?

    I don't know. I don't even dare guess.


    The "I heard that..." section:

    I heard that heat kills the virus?

    Yes. Enough heat kills everything. But you can't get your body hot enough to kill the virus without killing yourself. Don't wash your hands with extremely hot water. The objective is to wash the virus off, not kill it. You'll just end up with burns on your hands. Don't stick a hair dryer in your face. You'll just burn your face and it won't affect the virus deep in your sinus.


    I heard that UV kills the virus?

    Yes. Enough UV kills everything. For that to work, you need proper industrial grade UV lamps which give off enough power at the right wavelengths to kill. These lights are also highly damaging to almost all materials, including humans. (The ones we have at work have a safety interlock so the shield must be closed or they won't turn on. That's how damaging they are.) A store bought black-light won't work.


    I heard that I should drink hot water / lemon juice...

    I see this going around a lot. Something about using hot lemon water to kill the virus and wash it off your throat. It doesn't work. The first point is you can't drink something hot enough to matter. The instant the hot water touches you, it burns you and cools down before it even affects the virus. Second is that the acid in lemon water gets diluted as soon as you swallow it. You can't drink enough acid to affect the virus without killing yourself. The third is that the virus doesn't live on your throat; it lives deep in your sinuses and lungs. The fourth is that the virus lives inside your cells and in the layers of cells deep inside; it doesn't just sit on the surface waiting to be washed off.


    I heard that I should gargle with salt water...

    No. Same as the above; the virus lives mostly in the sinus, not throat.


    I heard that I should steam my face...

    You can't get your sinus hot enough to kill the virus without killing yourself.


    I heard that I should microwave my mail...

    Don't. Your mail and/or microwave will probably catch fire.


    I heard that I should wipe my shopping/parcels...

    There's no harm in it, but I'm not sure how much there is to be gained either. It is highly unlikely to catch the virus this way. If you insist, wipe down the entire surface of your shopping/parcels, and then put it somewhere else so your wiped and un-wiped stuff don't mix. Also, make sure you clean off whatever disinfectant you used afterwards. (Obviously, don't disinfect fruits that you eat the skin of. Wash those in clean water.)


    I heard that you can tell if you have Covid-19 by holding your breath....

    No. It's so silly, I don't even know how to answer that. If it worked, we wouldn't need test kits.


    I heard that this will go away as soon as it warms up because the virus dies in the heat...

    It's hitting 30 degrees C in many parts of the World where the outbreak is... so, no. The effect, if any, is very small. Keep in mind, your body is 37 degrees C...


    I heard this drug (chloroquine) works against Covid and was approved by the FDA...

    There has been no solid evidence it works against Covid. There was a research article that said it works with SARS, but the evidence so far with Covid is questionable. FDA didn't approve it's use. FDA approved experiments on using it, but not for its general use.


    I heard this virus was man made...

    I don't think so. I don't think we're remotely that good...



    Can COVID-19 mutate and spread to domestic animals, and what will that mean?

    For a virus to jump from one species to another, a lot of luck (and therefore time) is involved. A virus that crosses into a new host is most likely going to die there as a dead-end because the virus hasn't adapted to spreading within the new host species. Over time, by the luck of mutation and evolution, it will. Once it has established in the new host species, it will spread much faster within that new host species. The bright side is by that point, the virus is no longer adapted to spreading back to the first species. In other words, because a virus needs to adapt and optimize itself for each host-species, jumping between species is relatively rare. When it does, it can cause an outbreak like the current one.

    What a virus does once it's in a new host is unpredictable. How the virus affects one host species does not allow us to predict how it will affect another host species. There have been reported cases of pets testing positive for Covid-19, but it's impossible to say for now how they will react.

  • 18 Mar 2020 20:39 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Last update: July 5.

    If you have information that should be added to this page, contact the webmaster (Erica) via email or WhatsApp, or use the website contact form.

    General safety information

    Airport status

    July 5, 2020 Update:

    • The Buttonville terminal is once again open!
      • Masks or face coverings are mandatory
      • All individuals entering the building must complete a daily health check, and leave contact information
      • Physical distancing measures are in place
    • Druxy's is open as of July 1st for takeout or patio only (no indoor seating)
    • Canadian Flyers is open as of June 22nd

    Please see the March 24 mail forwarded to BFC-news, in summary:

    • Toronto Buttonville Airport is classified as an essential service and will remain open, serving customers
    • Pilots based at Buttonville: To assist with safety and social distancing with Flightline, please submit all fuel and service requests via phone or email, and respect the two hour request window (outlined in your aircraft accommodation agreement)
    Please see the March 18 mail forwarded to BFC-news, in summary:
    • Pilots based at Buttonville: the terminal is closed to the public.  Flightline or Million Air can provide access to the terminal and main apron, if you do not have a security pass.  Access to the south end of the field is via the gate.  See the mail forwarded to bfc-news for more details.
    Please see the March 17 mail forwarded to BFC-news, in summary:
    • Pilots based at Oshawa: the terminal is closed to the public.  Duty staff can provide access to the terminal and main apron.  Access to the T-hangars is via the gate.  See the mail forwarded to bfc-news for more details.

    Returning to Canada

    • [Last modified May 13] Due to COVID-19, CBSA has temporarily suspended service at many small airports.  Here is the list of remaining ports of entry.
    • [March 23] If you are a Canadian abroad, register with Global Affairs Canada so the government can send you information as it becomes available
    • If you need to book a charter flight to return to Canada, contact FLYGTA (based out of Buttonville and Billy Bishop)
    • You can return to Canada in a private or business aircraft, not subject to the restrictions on airlines, but you must undertake 14 days of self-isolation upon return (reference: see the letter forwarded to bfc-news from COPA president Bernard Gervais)

    Transport Canada

    Cancellations and schedule changes

    • [April 1] The April 8 BFC meeting has been cancelled
    • [April 1] The Air Canada Operations Centre tours (April 20 & 28th) have been cancelled
    • For the time being, Druxy's is closed and we will not gather there on Saturday and Sunday mornings
    • Transport Canada's March 18 and April 15 aviation safety seminars have been cancelled
    • This year's Girls Take Flight event at Oshawa, scheduled for April 25/26, has been cancelled
    • Sun 'n Fun has been rescheduled from March 31-April 5, to May 5-10 -- see updates on
    • For a list of airshow cancellations that is being actively updated, visit
  • 17 Mar 2020 22:00 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    ARCON, FERDINAND ANTON January 9, 1934 - March 8, 2020 

    Ferdinand, affectionately known as Nando, passed away on March 8, 2020, peacefully in his home surrounded by loving family and friends. A worldly man, Ferdinand spoke seven languages and experienced different parts of the world, making him what he was to all friends and family. From growing up in Egypt, working and living in Germany, and finally finding his last home in Canada, his life was reflected in his love of food, the arts and especially his love of flying. In his 40 year career with SEW Eurodrive Germany, he assisted  in the expansion of the company's global network, bringing him to Canada. An initial five-year secondment to run the Canadian operations turned into 46 years of life in this country which he called his home. His love of water and water sports -- from his birthplace in Alexandria and finally to his beloved cottage in Muskoka -- were a continuous enjoyment to him. His years of retirement were spent enjoying winters in Miami Beach and summers in Muskoka. When he wasn't basking in the sun, he was cooking while listening to Julio Iglesias or sipping his 6 p.m. single malt scotch, sitting in his boat overlooking his beloved Brandy Lake. 

    He had also found a new passion in flying during his retirement years. Ferdinand’s maiden solo flight was in 1991 out of Buttonville Airport. Flying became his new life and passion. He was a long-time and avid member of the Buttonville Flying Club, reading all the BFC news group postings on his iPad until his last days. His favorite Saturday or Sunday morning flight was to Collingwood for breakfast, but he was also just as content to meet with the boys and a few ladies at Buttonville Airport for the usual get together and breakfast at Eggsmart. He was a generous member of the Buttonville Flying Club and always offered rides to anyone that wanted to go flying. He ventured to many destinations in Ontario --  London, Goderich, Kincardine, Killarney, and Muskoka -- as well as longer flyouts to Pointe Carniel Lodge, and Vintage Wings in Gatineau. One of his favorite annual flyouts was the Poker Run … a wonderful day of flying that allowed him to see all the local airports.

    His family would like to thank you for all the condolences that they have received. They also thank all the doctors, nurses, and support staff for all of their care and outstanding work while fighting his battle against bladder cancer. A Celebration of Life will be held, however due to current circumstances and for everyone's safety, we are postponing this to a later date. For information, please email us at In lieu of flowers, please make a donation to Bladder Cancer Canada in memory of Ferdinand Arcon. Online condolences may be left at

    Photographs contributed by Albrecht Weller.

  • 06 Mar 2020 17:43 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    A big congratulations to Gord Roberts and Gerd Wengler, who were among the top three volunteer pilots in 2019 with Hope Air!  Hope Air provides Canadians in financial need with free air travel to medical care that is far from their home.

    In 2019, volunteer pilots flew 177 flights for Hope Air.  BFC members Gord Roberts came in #1 with 20 flights, and Gerd Wengler #3 with 10 flights.  Fantastic! 

    Other members wishing to volunteer with Hope Air -- please check out the volunteer pilot information for this very worthy cause.

    Gord Roberts

    Gerd Wengler

  • 20 Nov 2019 16:38 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Member Terry Martin has forwarded this notice from Caribbean Sky Tours, of interest to those of our members who fly to Mexico:


    Starting November 19th, 2019 CASH (Mexican pesos) and CHECKS will not be accepted as a payment method for fuel at any Mexican Airport where fuel is sold by ASA.

    The Authorities state that this measure was taken in order to avoid corruption and money laundering.

    Previously fuel payment with US Dollars had already been forbidden by law.

    We recommend always verifying in advance that fuel is available at your destination and that your selected method of payment will be accepted.

    Commonly accepted fuel payments methods in Mexico are:

    • Credit Cards (make sure your bank is notified and they will allow international transactions)
    • Fuel Cards & Fuel Releases (from all major fuel companies)

    For reference here is the bulletin from the authorities (in Spanish):

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